
The net-metering scheme, introduced in 2010 continued to serve the solar PV rooftop industry with large-scale implementation across the country. 

On September 6, 2016, the Government launched an enhanced version of the Rooftop Solar PV Programme under the theme “Sooryabala Sangramaya” which converts to “Battle for Solar Power”. Under this programme, excess energy exported to the grid can either be carried forward (as originally done in the net-metering scheme) or encashed (this scheme is identified as net-accounting), at a tariff of LKR 22.00 per kWh during the first seven years and LKR 15.50 per kWh during the remaining thirteen years. The programme attempts to encourage institutional users through a third scheme, known as the micro power producers’ scheme, where all generation is exported through a separate export meter without changing the electricity users’ metering method.

With the significant reduction in the cost of solar PV components, the service providers have quickly moved to tap large industrial customers who own large buildings with good roofs for solar PV systems.